Matthew Werley has presented research talks at annual conferences of all the major musicological and music -theory societies around the world.
American Musicological Society (San Francisco 2011 / Boston 2019)
European Music Analysis Conference (Moscow 2021)
Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (Osnabrück 2018)
Musicological Society of Australia (Sydney 2005)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft (Graz 2021)
Royal Musicological Association (Dublin 2009)
Society for Musicology in Ireland (Maynooth 2013)
Society for Music Theory (Baltimore 2003)
In addition, he has also delivered conference papers in English and German in 13 countries on 3 continents: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Rumania, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kindgom and the United States of America.